-Mind Platter.. (Najwa Zebian.. ) Book review..
I have no words to praise this book.. It evokes some sort of inner power within you that tells you, you can achieve anything and everything with your kindness and self belief..
How simply written yet so deep..
Mind Platter by Najwa Zebian came to my rescue when I needed it the most. My inquisitive mind got the right answers served in the best possible manner.. The book is a compilation of short paragraphs and quotes on a variety of topics which influence our lives and living. They are the nuggets of wisdom, the bunches of happiness and full of soul healing properties.. Written in a lucid yet beautiful language, these evocative words of the author are amazing.. They make you question yourself, they make you reflect upon yourself, they are hard to drop by in your head but trust me, once you embed them in your being, the life would seem happier..
For me, this book shall always remain special since it helped me to sail smoothly through a rough patch of my life.. My head was plagued with multiple questions, my life was a total mess, I kind of started doubting everything and everyone around me.. And then it came to bring me out of the gloominess and provided me with clarity and cognizance.. This is a kind of book that inspires and not dictates, it gives you lessons but not sermons.. It is way out of the generic books and entirely different from its contemporaries in a way that enhances its effectiveness.. It does not contain big paragraphs, hard language, complicated thoughts or ideas which are too difficult to comprehend and assimilate.. There are simple pieces tied delicately to present the profound meaning of the world and our existence to us..
So in love with Mind Platter by Najwa Zebian.. It is such a wonderful and relatable piece about life..!! ❤️